20 Important Things Corporate Board Members Want CEOs To Do

I'm excited to share my recent contribution to the Forbes article "20 Important Things Corporate Board Members Want CEOs To Do." This article provides a comprehensive overview of what board members expect from CEOs. But this article is not just for CEOs. These insights can be applied to other executives as well, whether they engage the board or not. Much of this should be considered when executives engage with their own CEO as well.

In my contribution, titled "Be Clear, Concise, Vocal, Flexible And Open-Minded," I emphasize the importance of communication skills for executives when interacting with board members. CEOS must be clear and concise, respecting the time constraints of board members. Additionally, being vocal with honest, forward-thinking ideas is key. Equally important is the ability to remain flexible and open-minded, especially when receiving feedback from the board. Though sometimes seeming harsh, this feedback is usually aimed at fostering efficiency and should not be taken personally. It often comes from busy, fast-thinking board members focused on achieving the best outcomes.

The article is a must-read for CEOs or any senior executive striving to understand the nuances of effective board engagement.

Read the entire article here: Forbes Article Link.


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